Thank You Allah .

Happy Birthday to me, Thank you Allah for everything.
Thank you for the iman that you've given to me , the happiness , the sadness that can give my spirits up. I just can't describe my feeling now. May Allah bless me. InsyaAllah.

kadang-kadang , hari lahir kita bukanlah hari yang memberi kebahagiaan kepada kita. You know, macam orang lain mereka akan gembira sebab kawan-kawan akan wish diorang , family wish everything. But for me, huhh I dont know. Thank you kepada kawan yang wish kita rina. The only ones. Like seriously , I just shocked with all this. who am I to them actually . Friend or bestfriend? confused-.- I thought she will be the 1st that wish for my birthday , pray for my health , pray for our frienship. Tapi kita silap.

Kita ingat ini hari yang bahagia tapi tidak , hari yang menjadi seribu satu persoalan dalam minda. mengapa ? I try to think positive 100% but sorry friend , I just cant get rid from all this. why you can remembered your artist birthday , and why not your bestfriend birthday ?  dari sini kit boleh lihat siapa kita yang sebenarnya pada mereka . I'm just nothing. I'm just the person who gave problem to their life, make their life sucks. Yeah maybe. I'm sorry for everything that I've to you . I'm sorry I cant be a goos bestfriend to you. when you need me , I'm not there for you. yeah maybe now you already have a new friend with you classmates. they cheers you life more than me. I know because i can see it in front of my eyes. yelah kalau dengan kita takde huhahuahuaha. which is I mean the happiness. I'm sorry. 

No, I'm not tht desperate for all the birthday wish. I just want to know how importand me in your life. And now I;m not important. that's why I hate not really like to called someone is my bestfriend because I know I'll hurt them , Cause I'm a sensetive person emotianal. YA ALLAH KENAPA ADA RASA MACAM NI . dimana aku sedih , aku tahu allah sentiasa bersama aku dimana aku gembira allah sentiasa bersama aku .

p/s yeah kita terasa bace blog awak kawan . 

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